As a women’s health naturopath and personal trainer, I love helping women with period pain to become pain free. Many of my patients have tried to solve their hormone imbalances on their own, which is great, but sometimes their efforts are doing more harm than good and holding them back.


Today, I want to highlight 3 mistakes women with period pain make. I’ll also share things you can try instead.


So if you’re a women really struggling with period pain, then read on because these 3 mistake you do not want to be making. 


MISTAKE #1:  They believe that period pain is normal and ‘suffer’ through it. 

Period pain isn’t normal and more often than not, is an indicator that something is going on and needs further investigation or treatment. Believing that period pain is normal means that women continue to suffer, it also sets the precedent for future generations to also suffer and not get their issues investigated or resolved. 


Try this instead: Listen to your body.

Tune into your body. Is the pain a once off? Or are you suffering through pain every month? If there is a pattern from month to month, then seeing your GP for a referral to an excision specialist is a good idea. They are more specialised than regular gynos and obgyns. They frequently deal with issues like endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids and can access professionally what is going on. A naturopath, can also help to resolve painful periods and put a plan in place for your hormones as well. 


MISTAKE #2: Saying things like, ‘my pain isn’t that bad, other women have it worse.’

I hear this one all the time. There are many support groups for period pain, hormones and endometriosis on facebook. Whilst they are great for support and feeling heard, often women believe that their issues aren’t as bad as others and therefore don’t deserve to seek help. Every woman’s pain is valid and deserves attention and resolution, regardless of if it’s all month long or 1 day a month,


Try this instead:


Keep track of your menstrual and hormone symptoms. That way you can start to recognise your own patterns and this information can then be used to share with a naturopath or dr. Knowledge is power. 


MISTAKE #3:  Believing that a hysterectomy is a cure all. 

It isn’t. Hysterectomy has traditionally been the method to rid/cure/treat women with period pain or ‘female issues’.  Yet with more research now about diseases like endometriosis, we know know that hysterectomy isn’t a cure all. It can help with adenomyosis. 


Try this instead:


Look at other avenues first. There is alot that can be done by seeing an excision specialist. As well as by working with a naturopath or chinese medicine practitioner to help support the body. Removing organs isn’t always the answer and unfortunately often come with it’s own set of issues. 


Next steps?


So, now you know the 3 mistakes that women make with period pain.  Are there any of these that you’ve perhaps already made? 


The most important thing to remember is you don’t have to continue to suffer, there are ways to manage period pain and hormones. (and I don’t mean going on the pill). 


And remember, your pain is real and valid and you can make a step towards reducing your period pain today. 


If you would like my help to balance your hormones and reduce your pain, then book a discovery call with me.