I wanted to share my Endometriosis Diagnosis………..because so many women are struggling.
I was in so much pain……..
How I ended up in an ambulance the day after my sisters wedding…..this is my story to getting an  Endometriosis diagnosis
She got married on a gorgeous exclusive hotel on the far north coast of Queensland.
The previous night, we had ate yummy food, drank and danced. I frequently needed to go to the toilet to urinate but I just put it down to drinking alcohol and didn’t think anything of it.
The next day I was chilling by the pool, laying in the sun, ordering food and cocktails from the bar. It was super chilled ……. sunshine, drinks, chatting about the wedding and the activities of the previous day. Once again, I kept needing to go to the toilet, every 10 minutes to go wee. Not the urinary tract infection burning, it was a weird pressure on my bladder that I couldn’t explain.
I had been sitting on my own and I didn’t feel well and got up to go back to my room. My cousin came over to me to offer me some magazines and I had a sudden urgency to get out of there and blurted out to her, get my sister, I don’t feel well and hurried off to my room.
As I got down the stairs, I projectile vomited in the garden, near my room. The pain in my right ovary was excruciating. I felt like I had been stabbed in my right ovary. My sister caught up with me as I stumbled, not being able to walk properly back to my room. I curled up in bed trying to do anything that would make the excruciating pain away. I tried ice, which didn’t give any relief and my sister called an ambulance.
I have never been in so much pain in my life. I felt like I was being stabbed on my right side and nothing made the pain go away or lesson.
‘Just make the pain go away’….I thought over and over in my head. I was scared because I knew something was wrong, I just didn’t know what.
The ambulance arrived and gave me the green whistle which didn’t lesson the pain. They transferred me to the local hospital which didn’t have a doctor on site or an ultrasound machine. I was pumped full of so many medications because no one knew what was going on because they couldn’t do any investigations or scans.
Eventually, hours and hours later, the pain subsided and I was discharged to go home.
The whole day I was in so much pain, I felt so scared not knowing what was going on and not getting any answers. I felt so drained.
I left the hospital with a list of what I was given and a prescription for pain medication and told to check back in with my GP upon returning back to Sydney.
I have never been in so much pain in my life. Upon returning I booked in to see an advanced trained laparoscopic excision specialist to see what was going on.
The trip in an ambulance and what I now know as a cyst bursting caused me enormous anxiety. I was so scared that at anytime, the same thing could happen and I’d end up in the same excruciating pain as the day after my sisters wedding.
Any tiny amount of pain, sent me into panic and I was scared to go out because
  • ‘What happened if it happened again?’
  • ‘What happened if I was alone?’
  • ‘What happened if it happened when I was working with clients?’
There were nights when I had endo pain where I drove myself to the carpark of the local hospital and waited for it to subside, just in case things got worse and I was close enough to the hospital to get help ☹
Because I was too embarrassed to wake up my housemates to tell them that they needed to call an ambulance in the middle of the night, if the same excruciating pain happened again and I couldn’t walk or call myself. I didn’t want to bother anyone.
I felt so scared and alone and lost complete trust in my own body. It was a scary time.
This was the catalyst for me to seek professional help with an advanced trained laparoscopic excision specialist >>> the best type of specialist to see for endometriosis diagnosis and removal.
I’m sharing my story because it’s Endometriosis Month.
If any of this resonates with you, contact me, I’m a naturopath and personal trainer and work with endometriosis women. I don’t want any woman to experience what I experienced and to feel so scared, alone, dismissed or in pain.
Want to know more about Endometriosis? Read more here. 

To book a Discovery Call with me and chat about how I can help you get started in your Endometriosis & Weight Loss Journey.

If you are ready to get started then here is the link to book straight into a Initial Consultation for the Gut Restore Program. This is a 6-8 week Program that addresses the inflammation side of the Endometriosis. Click Here to Book.

If you are just at the start of your journey and would like more information about Gut Health then here is the link to download my Endo Gut Health book which explains a little of the link of Endometriosis & the Gut Health as well as some yummy recipes!
