Endometriosis and Weight Loss, do you feel no matter what you do, how much exercise you do, what diet you eat, you just can’t seem to budge the scales. Sound familiar? Why is it so hard to lose weight with Endometriosis?

I get it.

As a Personal Trainer and Naturopath who works with Endometriosis women, I hear this all the time.

The key to Endometriosis and weight loss is to address the systemic inflammation that Endometriosis causes.

Let me tell you, from experience both personally and professionally, that an inflamed body will have a much tougher time losing weight. It will feel like a struggle.

By putting in some steps to reduce inflammation you will find it easier to lose weight.

Get rid of the Endometriosis lesions

I know that this step isn’t always the easiest one as it takes time and money to see a specialist. However, it’s still important to mention this step as excision surgery performed by an advanced trained laparoscopic excision specialist is still the gold standard treatment for endometriosis. If you leave the endo (even with hormone methods etc) it will continue to grow and continue to produce inflammation. In saying that, if you can’t have surgery anytime soon, there is still lots that can be done to manage endometriosis and inflammation and that is what I’m going to discuss more in detail here.

What are some of the things that cause Inflammation?

  • Poor diet
  • Deficiency in omega 3s
  • Low levels of magnesium
  • Poor gut health
  • High toxic load
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Chronic and persistent stress
  • Overuse of pharmaceuticals like NSAIDs or opioids.

How to reduce the inflammation to lose weight?

The main areas that I focus on when working specifically with women with endometriosis who want to lose fat are Movement, Nutrition, supplements and Lifestyle Changes.

The protocols are individualised depending on the women’s goals and symptoms and presentation of the disease (whether they are undiagnosed, diagnosed, pre or post-surgery or aiming to conceive).


The type of exercise to lose weight is specific for an Endometriosis Woman. I know that it can be hard for women who are in pain and discomfort to do certain types of exercise and I see a lot of women go for more gentle forms of movement like Pilates and yoga. Whilst, these forms of exercise are great for flexibility, increasing mobility, strength and reducing stress, they aren’t specific for fat loss. For fat loss with endometriosis a resistance-based program is best. Studies have shown that both a resistance training (hypertrophy-based protocol) or strength-based protocol is best to reduce inflammation and provide protective effects against oxidative stress.


There is lots that can be done to manage inflammation from a food perspective.

There are many types of foods that are inflammatory including gluten, dairy, red meat and sugar. Many women find a reduction in their pain symptoms by removing these foods. Solanaceae family of foods are also known to be inflammatory and may need to be avoided also. I know that it can be tricky to remove huge food groups from your diet. My advice is to start slow. Change just your breakfast for the first few weeks then move onto lunches and then dinner and snacks. If you need extra help, I currently have an anti-inflammatory food plan on my website. Anti-Inflammatory Food Plan.

If you would like individualised advice and coaching around changing your eating habits, then working with me 1:1, I can guide you in this type of food plan.

Book a discovery call now.


Herbal Medicine and Nutritional supplements have a wide range of supplements that can help with reducing inflammation. Some work systemically and some work more specifically on the gut (which is where inflammation comes from). All supplements that I prescribe are individualised, so I won’t go into detailed about these. I also use a range of practitioner only products that are of high quality and dosage than what is bought at a health food store or supermarket. Do you want to know more about how I can help you with the supplement side of things, then feel free to give me a call. I’m happy to go into more detail about how these can help and set you up with a plan.

Lifestyle Changes

Toxic load refers to the accumulation of toxins and chemicals in our bodies that we ingest from a variety of sources, including the environment, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the personal care and household products we use. Toxic load plays a role in increasing inflammation in the body and it’s important to address the toxic load in your life.

Implementing these changes takes time. It’s not done overnight. When working with my Endometriosis patients, I implement a plan to change these things at the pace that works for you. We can do it rapidly, all in one hit or take time to implement the changes in a way that works for you and your lifestyle. If you want to learn more about Endometriosis and Weight Loss, then feel free to contact me. I’d love to connect with you and discuss these points in more detail and work together to get you the results that you are after.

To book a Discovery Call with me and chat about how I can help you get started in your Endometriosis & Weight Loss Journey Click here. 

If you are ready to get started then here is the link to book straight into a Initial Consultation for the Gut Restore Program. This is a 6-8 week Program that addresses the inflammation side of the Endometriosis. Click Here to Book.

If you are just at the start of your journey and would like more information about Gut Health then here is the link to download my Endo Gut Health book which explains a little of the link of Endometriosis & the Gut Health as well as some yummy recipes!


Dee x

Endometriosis and Weight Loss Expert