Firstly, I want to say I’m sorry. I know how hard this can be for you. As a fellow Endo Sister I know how much hope rests on getting answers and relief from your surgery. Whilst, not the same, I had my excision surgery rescheduled 2 times and had moved all my clients and lined things up to have the time off and it got pushed back over 2 months. I feel devastated and so disappointed.

I want you to know, I understand.

So,  what can you do now that your surgery has been cancelled due to the COVID 19 situation and no future surgery date has been put forward or the surgery date is months and months away.

The good news is that there is lots that can be done.

As you know, Endometriosis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease and the best type of management plan is a multidisciplinary approach. This means working with an advanced trained laparoscopic excision specialist, a naturopath, a pelvic physio and a psychologist if needed.

So whilst surgery is only one component of this team approach there is lots that can be done with the other modalities to help manage pain and associated symptoms. Whilst I can’t speak for the other modalities of pelvic physio and psychology, I do know lots about the natural medicine approach to managing endometriosis as a Naturopath who is passionate about helping women with endo.

Here’s my Top 4 aspects to consider from a natural medicine point of view for managing endometriosis:

1. Nutrition

Nutrition plays a big role in helping to reduce the inflammation that endometriosis causes. A typical western diet with lots of carbohydrates, red meat and sugar is not helpful in addressing this inflammation. A more Mediterranean or paleo-based diet works best for avoiding the foods that can be inflammatory and therefore may reduce the pain associated with endometriosis flare-ups. From a naturopathic point of view in my consultations with my endometriosis clients I guide you with this diet so that you can switch to this way of eating without feeling deprived. We discuss cooking methods, how to shop for these types of foods and how to make switches and tweaks from your current plan. I also provide detailed personalised food plans to fit your lifestyle, budget and likes and dislikes with food. All my personalised meal plans include a shopping list, full recipes and tips to switch foods if necessary or you don’t have a particular ingredient. I guide you through this process so that eating a Mediterranean, paleo-based diet becomes part of your lifestyle, not a crazy diet you will never stick to.

2. Supplementation

There are many supplements that can help manage endometriosis and associated symptoms. As a naturopath I treat holistically and aim to treat the cause or driving factor behind a symptom or issue rather than just provide symptomatic relief. The beauty of a naturopathy is that herbal medicines provide many benefits particularly with women’s health issues that work in different ways to pharmaceuticals. I follow a naturopathic approach to managing my own endometriosis with great results.

The majority of products I prescribe are practitioner only brands which are high quality and highly researched and include therapeutic dosages to help you with your concerns. The other brands I recommend are ones I have tried personally or have done research to ensure that they are also high quality and use therapeutic doses.

3. Lifestyle Changes

Exercise, Movement, adopting a low-toxic lifestyle, adding in self-care practices and stress management techniques and strategies are also important in managing endometriosis. Exercise and movement have been shown to reduce pain in many endometriosis women. As a Personal Trainer I run specific programs for Endometriosis and Fat Loss and Programs to help reduce pain from a movement perspective.  Adopting a low-tox lifestyle helps to reduce the toxic load on the liver and body and many women get relief by switching this to this type of lifestyle. Self-care and Stress management practices are also paramount as many women also suffer depression and anxiety associated with having Endometriosis or a Chronic Illness.

4. Community

This type of support I’m referring to is not psychological support. That comes under the scope of practice by a qualified psychologist. The type of support I’m referring to is Your Community that comes from other Endometriosis Women or your fellow Endometriosis Sisters, who understand your struggles. I know how hard it can be. I know how lonely and isolating this disease can be. That is why I have created the Endo Collective. 


If you would like to know more about any of the aspects I have mentioned above, then please reach out. 0401 366 796, or on our socials

I want you to know that there is hope and many ways to get relief even if your surgery has been cancelled or postponed.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Dee Harvey – Endometriosis & Weight Loss Expert